Car-free zones in Paris on Sundays

Bilfrie søndager i Paris

Paris Respire (Paris breathing) - Several areas and streets in Paris are car-free zones on Sundays and public holidays. During summer the number increases.

  • Along the Seine, every Sunday and public holidays, all year round, from 9am till 5pm. On the right bank from Tuileries (1st arr) to the Charles de Gaulle-bridge (12th arr). PDF overview
  • Sentier-area in 2nd arr (but limited acces for citizens - riverains), every Sunday and public holidays, all year round, from 10am till 6pm, during summer untill 7pm. PDF overview
  • Marais-area in 3rd and 4th arr, every Sunday, all year round, from 10 am till 6 pm, during summer untill 7.30 pm. PDF overview
  • Mouffetard-area in 5th arr, every Sunday and public holidays, all year round, from 10am till 6pm. PDF overview
  • Area around rue des Martyrs in 9th arr, every Sunday, all year round, from 10am till 2pm. PDF overview
  • Area around avenue Trudaine in 9th arr, every Sunday and public holidays, all year round, from 2pm till 6pm, during summer untill 7pm. PDF overview
  • Canal Saint-Martin- area in 10th arr, every Sunday and public holidays, all year round, from 10am till 6pm, during summer untill 8pm. PDF overview
  • Aligre-area in 12th arr, everny Sunday, all year round, from 10am till 2pm. PDF overview
  • Bois de Vincennes in 12th arr, every Sunday and public holidays, all year round, from 9am till 6pm, during summer til 8pm. Concerning Avenue du Tremblay, between Avenue de Nogent and route du Champ-de-Manoeuvre, Avenue de la Pépinière, Avenue de Fontenay, Route de la ceinture du lac Daumesnil. PDF overview
  • Area around rue Daguerre in 14th arr, every Sunday and public holidays, all year round, from 10am till 6pm. PDF overview
  • Bois de Boulogne in 16th arr, every Saturday, Sunday and public holidays, all year round, from 9am till 6pm. Concerning Avenue de la Reine-Marguerite between route de Point-du-Jour à Suresnes and route de la Grande-cascade, Route de l'Hippodrome. PDF overview
  • Area around rue du Poteau in 18th arr, every sunday, all year round, from 10am till 2pm. PDF overview
  • Montmartre-area in 18th arr, every Sunday and public holidays, all year round, from 11am till 6pm. PDF overview

During summer 4 other areas are joining:

  • Luxembourg-area in 6th arr, every Sunday and public holidays from 10am till 6pm from April to November. PDF overview
  • Extension of the Canal Saint-Martin-area in 10th arr, every Sunday and public holidays from 10am till 8pm from July 23rd to August 21st. PDF overview
  • Area around rue de la Roquette in 11th arr, every Sunday and public holidays from 10am till 6pm during summer. PDF overview
  • Ranelagh-area in 16th arr, every Sunday and public holidays from 10am till 6pm from July 31st to August 28th. PDF overview

It may be necessary to deviate from the above - it will be announced under trafic,fermetures